Sunday, March 21, 2010


So paraguayans are very superstitious, they have all sorts of myths about these weird monster things that the people really do believe in. Last night my host brother was telling me, in a very serious manner about this little troll man that they all believe in her that has hair from head to toe and likes cigarettes and wiskey. They say he gets jealous of young men who
have girlfriends and when people wont share their wiskey. They say he can
make people get lost even in places that are very familiar to them. The stories seem a little far fetched but it was really fun hearing the stories though, and they tell them in a completely
serious tone.

It is really strange but the only American music that you hear down here is lady gaga. It drives me nuts, I hear her songs at least a few times everyday. Who knew that she could be so big.

I hate roosters, my family here has a rooster that lives pretty close to my window and it caws all night long. It drives me nuts! Did you know that roosters caw all night? I always thought it was just when the sun came up.

My buddy Rob and I did a little presentation in a school this week with a youth group. We are trying to motivate them to start some projects in their community. We they decided they would like to do a neighborhood trash clean up, and also research the options and resources available to them and others students to get into college. It was really a great experience, and I never thought I would be able to do an hour and a half presentation in spanish, especially when the kids looked at us like we were crazy when we first walked in.

I am still doing well here and getting used to life in paraguay. If you have any questions for me or would like me to talk about something in particular, post a comment and let me know.


  1. What's the food like over there buddy? Have you eaten any guinea pig or still vegetarian?

    Adam P.

  2. What kind of food do ya'll eat over yonder?

  3. They eat a lot of meat, and yes I have joined in on it. On sundays my family usually cookes a giant pan of all kinds of meat. There will usually be ribs, chicken, chorizo, and blood, sausage. But for the most part, they eat a lot of pizza and pasta also. They dont eat a whole lot of veggies though, and almost everything is fried. I have probably eaten a thousand empanadas by now.
